Learn the basics of
Cloud Architecture
Cloud computing allows for on-demand access to shared pools of resources, such as computing power and data storage, over the internet. This provides many benefits, including: cost savings, scalability, flexibility, improved collaboration and innovative services. Companies and organisations around the world have become more aware of these benefits and are starting to adopt cloud-based solutions at an increasing rate. As part of the implementation of cloud solutions, it is imperative to understand some of the core concepts of cloud computing. One such concept includes the fundamentals of cloud architecture. Throughout this course, you will learn some of the basic concepts of cloud architecture. As a practical component, you will also learn how to deploy and develop a relational database on the cloud to perform data analytics.
Key Learning Objectives:
- Cloud computing basics
- Cloud architectures and IT structures
- Relational database development in the cloud
- Explore the various aspects of the Python language which can be extrapolated to various other languages
- Basic SQL programming
- Basic data analytics
Ideal for:
Current leaders and managers, as well as potential and aspiring leaders and managers.
Course outcome:
Provide leadership and management teams with a thorough understanding of modern employment.
Course outline:
Course accreditation:
Upon completion of this team management course your employee will receive an accredited certificate assessed by global academic partners, Austin Peay State University and the CPD Certification Service.
Globally recognised by:
Course details
Diploma in Cloud Architecture
Diploma in Cloud Architecture
1.Introduction to cloud architecture
In this lesson we will define cloud computing and describe how the traditional architecture varies from cloud architecture. We'll briefly explore some of the most popular types of cloud services commonly used by organisations.
2.Types of cloud computing
In this lesson, we will distinguish between the different types of clouds and discuss how each architecture compares. We will also briefly identify some of the considerations that must be taken into account when migrating to the cloud.
3.Centralised, decentralised and distributed structures
Organisations must give careful thought about the IT structures they choose to implement. In this lesson we explore some of the most popular IT structures, including centralised, decentralised and distributed IT structures.
4.Introduction to cloud databases
In this lesson we discuss some of the basic concepts of relational database management systems. We will also learn how to set up or cloud environment for future database development work.
5.Introduction to cloud databases
Reviewing and cleaning data is the first step to performing any database management work. Now that we've set up our Oracle APEX cloud environment, it's time to build our database structure and import the sample data.
6.Introduction to cloud databases
In this lesson we will describe the various CRUD database operations frequently used in database development, including: create, read, update and delete. The focus of this lesson is read operations using the SELECT statement in SQL programming.
7.Introduction to cloud databases
With our data being prepared, we will learn how to use the Oracle APEX cloud environment to develop a basic web application for reporting purposes.
8.Introduction to cloud databases
In this lesson, we will discuss the importance of data analytics and the various types of analysis that can be performed. Throughout this lesson, we will extend the functionality of our cloud-based web application by adding analytical dashboards.