Learn the basics of
Critical-thinking, Decision-making and Problem-solving
The focus of this course is to help learners engage in identifying core problems in their reasoning and teach them skills and provide tools to overcome this. By the end of this course you will be equipped with the tools and knowledge to critically assess problems, identify core issues and have the know-how to overcome or mitigate obstacles in your reasoning or business.
Key Learning Objectives:
- Recognise the building blocks of Critical thinking, Decision Making, and Problem-Solving
- Assess Critical Thinking, Decision Making, and Problem Solving models and tools
- Explore the affects of cognative bais and logical fallacies
- Identify apporopraite Problem-solving and Decision-making processes
- Evaluate and identify the best solution using data and information

Ideal for:
Aspiring leaders and managers, or anyone currently in a leadership and management position.
Course outcome:
Develop leaders and managers equipped with the skills to build high-performing teams.
Course outline:
Course accreditation:
Upon completion of this leadership training course your employee will receive an accredited certificate assessed by global academic partner, the CPD Certification Service.
Globally recognised by:

Course details
Diploma in Critical-thinking, Decision-making and Problem-solving
Diploma in Critical-thinking, Decision-making and Problem-solving
1.The basics of decision-making
When we make decisions, especially when others can be affected by the outcome, it’s important to recognise the difference between good and bad choices. In this lesson, we explore the basics of decision-making.
2.Decision-making fatigue
Decision fatigue is the principle, that after making many decisions, a person’s ability to make additional decisions become worse. Today we discuss what it is and how to avoid it.
3.The decision-tree
The decision tree is a flow chart that starts with one main idea. It then branches out according to the consequences of your decision. Let's dive deep into how to make the best decision using the decisoin-tree.
4.Critical Thinking 101
The ability to make good decisions involves critical thinking. After this lesson you will be able to engage in effective and efficient critical thinking and problem solving.
5.Cognitive Bias
Without even noticing biases cause us to favour an idea, person, thing, or group unfairly. They are subconscious and a product of human nature and greatly affect the way we make decisions and act. Let's explore how to avoid it and what it's caused by.
6.The Ladder of Inference
The information we use to make certain decisions are not always accurate, and consequently, our decision-making can be wrongfully influenced by falsehoods and inaccuracies. This is where the ladder of inference can help.
7.The Fundamentals of problem-solving
Problem-solving is essential to our everyday lives. We use it at home, work, or school, and we are constantly making decisions consciously and subconsciously. Today we talk about effective problem-solving and how to apply it immediately.
8.The 6-step problem-solving method
When organisations or teams grow, problems in the team or business can occur due to miscommunication or attempts to resolve business-critical issues. By the end of this lesson you will learn how to solve problems accurately.
Intermediate in Critical-thinking, Decision-making and Problem-solving
Intermediate in Critical-thinking, Decision-making and Problem-solving
1.Logical fallacies
When information is presented as fact, we can often through logic and reason determine whether it carries truth and value. If you can prove the statement wrong using logic and reason, you just encountered a logical fallacy. In this lesson we explore recognising and preventing logical fallacies.
2.High and low quality decisions
High and low quality decisions have significant different components that distinguish them from one another. It's not about the outcome, but rather about the process that we follow to make those decisions. In this lesson we take a deeper look at the differences and how to approach it.
3.The cost of irrationality
The reaction that people show during times of stress is not a reflection of the actual threat, but of their perception of the threat. Today we will take a deeper look at rational, non-rational and irrational decision-making.
4.The Priming effect
Many of these experiences have similarities, and we associate memories, beliefs and opinions with those similar experiences. We do this to be able to quickly recall and process information and make sense of the world around us . This lesson explores the priming effect and the many ways in which our subconscious influence our decision-making.
5.Mental exercises to improve problem-solving
Problem-solving abilities assist people to deal with unforeseen events or challenges, whether at home or work. Organisations also want employees who can accurately analyse challenges, devise effective solutions, and implement them. In this lesson we take a deeper look at how to improve problem-solving.
6.The Cause-and-effect diagram
Solving problems requires us to critically approach them, and through using logic and reasoning, decide on the best way to solve them. The goal of this lesson is to lesson pay special attention to solving problems in a business from the quality assurance perspective.
7.Out-of-the-box thinking
For a company to capture a new market, or, offer a service to a transitioning market or industry, creative and innovative solutions need to be created. This lesson explores approaching innovation and how to take it to market.
8.Impossible thinking
Mental models help us make decisions and solve problems for the future and think critically about challenges in our personal and work lives. In this lesson, we will take a deeper look at mental models and how to think about problems, decisions and how to decide.